Looking for Roleplay friends!
Adventures, slice of life, and story arcs are all welcome!

Born in the Dalmascan city of Leá Monde to Sypha and Joacin Arda, Sojja grew up in a family that served as retainers to the famous House Orlandeau. Her young life was filled with training with her family and learning basic swordplay from the Orlandeau family, who often treated her as ward of their house, even gifting her with a blade and shield from the armory of the House, despite being much too small to wield them. She named her weapons the Roses of May, daydreaming often of bearing them alongside her parents in protecting their noble masters. However, many of the elders of the house were lost during the fall of Nalbina Fortress during the invasion of the Garlean Empire. The remaining members, along with their retainers, either fled or joined with various resistances.

Sojja and her family joined Lente's Tears, and Sojja's training in martial traditions continued with the former members of the Saraab and the Royal Fusiliers, supplemented with training from her family, who were familiar with the arts of the house of Orlandeau. Taking up her arms in skirmishes against Imperial convoys between the cities of Dalmasca, she made a name for herself amongst the various resistance factions. However, when the uprising against the Empire resulted in the death of her parents in the midst of the destruction of Rabanastre, Sojja fled Dalmasca, swearing vengeance against the Empire for taking away her past and her heritage.

Travelling west to the continent of Eorzea with her sword and shield, Sojja encountered many other exiles and refugees, guarding caravans and camps along the way, eventually settling in a refugee camp near Ul'dah. Searching for a purpose of her own, she joined an small adventuring group led by a Lalafellin scholar. It was through him that she was introduced to tavern in the Mist called the Fang and Feather.

Sojja was soon frequenting the establishment, delighted with the taste of their food and their mead. It was here that she met the Elezen adventurer, Balthazar. They quickly struck up a friendship, with her explaining much of Dalmascan culture and Bal helping her understand the subtleties of Eorzean culture. It was the urging of a mutual friend, after observing the interactions between Bal and Sojja, that prompted them to reflect on their feelings. Balthazar quickly asked Sojja out, and despite a moments hesitation, she accepted.
Following their initial whirlwind romance, Sojja and Balthazar married. Together, they were employed by the Ishgardian Free Company known as Fury's Gaze alongside many other adventurers from across Aldenard and beyond.

Not too long after their marriage, Sojja and Balthazar found out that she was was pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl. When the twins were born, Sojja and Balthazar named the girl Sypha, after Sojja's mother, and the boy Gerard, after Balthazar's father. Despite being twins, it swiftly became apparent that their personalities couldn't be more different.

Even though she grieves leaving her past behind her, Sojja is thankful for the friends and loved ones she has in the present, and looks towards the future that they can build together in Eorzea.

Sojja is a deeply curious woman, having only recently seen much of the wider world. She is easily fascinated by new folk she meets and their customs, especially their food and apparel.

However, she can easily become confused with common idioms used by the layfolk of Eorzean society, and often struggles with words that have multiple meanings.

Sojja is easily embarrassed, but will quickly overcome it and often will have her revenge with a sharp witticism or sly prank. She would never forsake a friend or someone in need.

AnimalsCold Temperatures
Spicy FoodBeing Inside
SweetsBitter Foods
TeaBeing Alone
The ShadeFools and Scoundrels

Race: Elezen - Wildwood
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Married to Balthazar Highboro
Age: 34
Nameday: 23rd Sun of the 12th Umbral Moon
Eye Color: Turquoise Green
Height: 6 fulm, one quarter ilm (6'0.25", 183.5 cm)
Body Shape: Lithe and Buxom
Birthplace: Leá Monde, Dalmasca - Othard
Residence: Mist, on the island of Vylbrand - Eorzea
Guardian/Deity: Althyk the Keeper
Piercings: Ears (2 each side)
Scent: Sandlewood, Honey and Tea
Voice Claim: Similar to Jessie Rasberry

Here are a few ideas to initiate RP with Sojja.
There are so many possibilities, so feel free to share your ideas!

  • "Those in exile feed on dreams of Hope." - Exiled once by force, and again by choice, Sojja is keenly aware of the loneliness and hardships of living on the edges of society. She would easily develop a kinship with others who were forced from their homes.

  • "You're not from around here..." - Sojja's devotion to her culture reflects in her garments and speech, as well as her fascination of seemingly mundane things. Share your everyday wonders with her, or ask her about herself and where she comes from,

Hello! I'm Josh and I am a 35 year old PC gamer from the West Coast. I have been doing both tabletop and in-game Roleplaying for years. I can be slow to warm up to others, but I am always looking for more friends to game and RP with.

Contact: In game by sending a /tell to Sojja Arda on Zalera.
Outside of game by sending a message on Discord to Sojja#1240.

Do's: Walk-Ups and Tells are welcome! Open to longer form RP in Discord.

Dont's: I do not RP with anyone under 18. I don't do RP involving abuse, torture, or rape. No RP combat without prior planning.

Balthazar Highboro

Balthazar Highboro
The Elezen adventurer that she married.